an independent literary publisher

Submission Guidelines
Thank you for your interest in publishing your work with White Pine Press. As a non-profit literary publisher, our goal is to enrich our heritage by publishing works by writers and translators which might be overlooked by commercial publishing houses. We publish fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. We receive in excess of one thousand submissions each year and publish eight to ten books per year. We do not publish romance novels, science fiction, how-to or self-help books, or children‘s literature.
Mailing Instructions
All submissions should be accompanied by an SASE for our response or an SASE large enough to contain your materials if you wish to have them returned. We will not respond to or return manuscripts without an SASE. Please be sure you have enclosed enough return postage on manuscript return envelopes. Note: New postal regulations require that any item weighing over 16 oz. have the return address clearly labeled. Please use your address as the return label on manuscript return envelopes. It generally takes between three and six months for unsolicited material to be read by our editorial staff. Please do not telephone us to check on the status of your manuscript. If you want to know if your manuscript has reached us, please include a self-addressed, stamped postcard marked "Manuscript received by White Pine Press" and we will return it to you upon receipt of the manuscript.
Due to a large backlog, we are not currently reading new work.
American Poetry
Due to a large backlog we are not currently reading new work except as part of our annual poetry contest. See poetry contest guidelines.
Poetry in Translation
Due to a large backlog, we are not currently reading new work.
Marie Alexander Poetry Series
The Marie Alexander Series has been concluded and no new work will be considered. The backlist will continue to be available. More information about this series is available at http://mariealexanderseries.com.